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Registration of newspapers and magazines

Requirements for the publication of a newspaper/magazine by citizens of the Republic or other EU member states

No previous permit from any authority is required for the publication of a newspaper/magazine in Cyprus by a citizen of the Republic or an EU member state. It is, nevertheless, necessary prior to the publication of a newspaper/magazine that Press and Information (PIO) Officers check in the PIO magazine/newspaper database if an identical or similar title exists.

Next, an affidavit containing the required details is signed by the applicant before a District Court Registrar of the Republic. This is then submitted to the Press and Information Office (PIO), which issues a receipt accordingly. In the event of a change of ownership, the new owner of the newspaper/magazine must submit another affidavit to the PIO to obtain a new receipt.

In accordance with the Press Law, if the owner of a newspaper/magazine is a company, a person must be appointed as Responsible under the Law. His/her appointment is made through a statement by the owner which is submitted to the PIO at least three days before the newspaper is published. The statement must contain the appointee’s name and address and must name him/her as the person responsible for the management and control of the newspaper/magazine. It should be stressed that the person responsible under the Law must be a member of the company’s board of directors.

All copies of newspapers published in Cyprus must print on the top part of any page the name and address of their owner, of the person responsible under the law, as well as the place where the newspaper is printed.

In accordance with the Press Law, newspaper magazine/owners must also, for archiving purposes, deliver to the PIO within three days of publication a copy of the newspaper/magazine carrying their signature or that of a person authorized to sign on their behalf.

On having fulfilled the provisions of the law, the owner of the newspaper/magazine acquires the right to own the name of the newspaper. This name or any other resembling it may not be used by any other newspaper.

A newspaper/magazine owner loses the right to own the title of a newspaper if s/he does not begin publication of the newspaper/magazine within a year from the time the statement was submitted, or the permit for publication of the newspaper/magazine was issued, or if s/he ceases publication for more than a year.

Fees charged by the Government for processing an application and issuing a receipt to a citizen of Cyprus or of a country member of the EU are € 51,26.  Also, the sum of €8,54 is charged for issuing a statement certifying the registration of a newspaper or a magazine. This statement can also be used to ensure reduced postal fees for sending the newspaper/publication to subscribers.

An owner who fails to conform to these provisions will be committing an offence punishable by a fine. At the same time a court order is issued whereby the owner is called upon to comply and submit the sworn statement within ten days. If the owner does not comply with the court order, the Minister of the Interior is authorized to prohibit publication of the newspaper until such a statement is submitted.

Failure to comply with these provisions carries a fine.


Procedure for publishing a newspaper/magazine in Cyprus by non-EU nationals

A permit is required for the publication of a newspaper/magazine in Cyprus by non-EU nationals, in accordance with the relevant legislation. The permit is non-transferrable to any other person or company.

In addition to this, an affidavit, photocopies of the three first pages of the owner’s passport and a brief curriculum vitae (cv) of the newspaper/magazine’s owner must be submitted. In case ownership is affiliated to a company/legal entity, a brief letter should be submitted specifying the individual that has been appointed as responsible in accordance with the law and that this individual has accepted that appointment. This person must be a member of the company’s board of directors. Furthermore, the Founding Act and the Memorandum of association of the company, as well as the company’s documents issued by the Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property, must be submitted to the Press and Information Office.

A breach of any of the above clauses constitutes an offence punishable, in case of conviction, with imprisonment or a fine or both accompanied by confiscation of all copies of the newspaper/magazine.

The fees for permission to publish a newspaper/magazine in the Republic of Cyprus by non-EU nationals is €170,86. Also, the fee for a certified copy of a permit for publishing a newspaper/magazine as well as other certificates, is €8,54.

The entire procedure could take at least three months to be completed.

Every time a newspaper/magazine is published, the owner or the person responsible in accordance with the law must provide the PIO with a signed copy of the publication within three (3) days, otherwise they would be committing an offence, which in case of a conviction, is punishable with a fine.

The permit can be revoked in case that any of the aforementioned requirements or terms are being violated.  The decision is conveyed to the owner of the Printing Office where the newspaper/magazine is printed.

Free circulation of newspapers/magazines

All newspapers and magazines are allowed to circulate in the Republic without restriction. For this reason, distribution agencies and other outlets must ensure that newspapers are freely made available to the public without discrimination irrespective of the political leanings or views of a newspaper. For the purpose of the law, the term "newspaper" also includes magazines and any publication published regularly, at least once per quarter.


For further information contact: tel.: 22801196, email:


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